About Acupuncture
Welcome to Acupuncture One Wellness
At Acupuncture One Wellness Center we provide full services of Natural and Traditional Chinese medicine which included Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine.
We take care of the patient’s Body and Mind more enhanced by treating not only symptoms but spirit and essence, toward harmonizing each other. As a Chinese Medicine professional, I will help you change your body and mind healthier and more naturally.
Our approach to healthcare is gentle, safe, natural, and effective. We will help you look and feel your best. Dr. Chung will help you relax and experience less pain, by adjusting and stimulating the flow of energy through acupuncture.
We stimulate the body's natural healing ability to maintain health and protect against disease.
Our Philosophy
At Acupuncture Wellness Center we pursue to enhance the patient’s health naturally while we take care of the patient’s Mind, Body, and Spirit.
We treat the patient for the purpose of balancing body energy and pacifying the spiritual mind. Our treatment corrects the energetic imbalance by encouraging the body’s natural ability to heal itself, without the use of drugs or surgery.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is used to regulate or correct the flow of “Qi”(which is Energy) to restore health. The practice of inserting very fine needles into the skin to stimulate specific anatomic points in the body.
The acupuncture points are stimulated to balance the movement of Qi in the body to restore and enhance the healthier condition.
Acupuncture promotes natural healing. It can improve energy, enhance immunity, harmonize physical and emotional health to improve the overall function of the body. It is painless, safe, natural, and very effective.
Benefits of Acupuncture
Reduce Inflammation
Enhance Qi and Energy
Increase Range of Motion
Regulate Nerve System
Improve Blood Circulation
Release Stress and Anxiety